The ProSur Foundation is fully
to support advanced research in the social and the
biological sciences

means to increase knowledge
about the region's social
condition and
nature. This region of Costa Rica is one of
the least
studied yet, it has
one of the most diverse populations of the country, and
most of the
best preserved rain forests.
Southwestern Costa Rica is home to
two important indigenous peoples, the Boruca and the
Gnobe. The
Borucas have lived in the same community before the
arrival of the
Spanish Conquistadores in 1519. The Gnobes are
devided into two
different linguistic groups and live accross the Costa
border. They live in more than 8 different
reservations and
communities and continue to hold to their language and
most of

traditions. In addition, this region have experienced in
influx of inmigrants from Colombia, Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, the
Guanacaste Region and lately from the Central Valley, during the last
400 years. The ethnic and cultural background of most of the
inhabitants is as diverse as the number of communities, however very
little has been studied, about the many different traditions different
communities have. Current research in the social sciences
focus on the Cultural Mapping of the Borucas, a diagnostic of the
performing arts in the Zona Sur, and a survey about science education
in secondary schools of the region..
In addition, a Survey
of the Arts
in the Zona Sur is currently conducted with the support
of the ProArtes
Program of the Teatro Melico Salazar, Ministerio de
can make a difference, DONATE NOW
Research. There
are thousands of research opportunities in Southwestern
Rica. From the Pacific Ocean, to the Golfo
Dulce, to the
rain forest, our faculty requires your support to
continue their
advanced research. You can support research in the
areas of
mammalogy, and marine biology. For instance, some
of the current
research is conducted with two species, Artiveus
watsoni, and
Thyroptera tricolor by
Chaverri. For more details link to her webpage at:
Dr. Chaverri Lab
Donations of any
size can help
you experience the joy of giving. Even
small amounts given month
after month or year after year can build up
over time to create substantial resources for the
can make a difference, DONATE NOW
Copyright ©
1999-2019 — Fundacion UdG
Reservados, All rights
Publicado por Oficina de Divulgacion, ProSur,
Golfito 60701, COSTA RICA
15 enero, 2019